Why the attack in the Michigan Stadium tunnel was different

As somebody who has spent a fair amount of time around football teams and as credentialed media this is why last night’s assault was different:

Generally, when football players square off in an altercation, it’s no big deal. The player swinging is more likely to hurt themselves hitting another player’s helmet. It’s one of the many reason players are coached not to do it- swinging your hand at a helmet is just stupid.

(1) Last night the Michigan player DIDN’T have his helmet on while the ten (10!) Spartans assaulted him.

(2) The Michigan player was defenseless due to being outnumbered (10-1).

(3) The assault happened on concrete. The Michigan player didn’t have his helmet on- not only did he need to contend with the blows from the Spartan players, but he was endangered by his head hitting concrete or the cinder block wall.

(4) The place of the assault. Not only was the Michigan player essentially trapped by the tight confines of the tunnel, he was in his “home” stadium where you don’t expect to be jumped.

I’m seen a lot of altercations (some leading to hospitalization) during my experience with HS football and being in the tunnel as media. A while back in Spartan Stadium, a Spartan player very intentionally hit me with the Paul Bunyan trophy while I was taking photos on the field after the game- I laughed it off.

This assault last night was worst I’ve ever seen. And it could have been much worse. Some of the Michigan parents were in the tunnel were jostled around, including media and stadium workers. Somebody could have very seriously injured.